chapter no 1+2/chemistry 2nd year

Chapter # 1      Periodic Classification of Elements and Periodicity           F.Sc  2nd Year Chemistry
Short Questions:
1.state Mendeleev’s law? Or what are the improvements made in Mendeleev’s table?
2.describe the essential features of period no. 6 of modern  periodic table?
3. Write down the classification of 5th, 6th and 7th period.
4. Zn, Cd, Hg were placed with alkaline earth metals in Mendeleev’s periodic table. How this confusion can be removed?
5. Discuss the classification of periodic table on the basis of metallic and non-metallic character.
6. what is Lanthanide contraction?
7. Why Cationic radius is smaller than neutral atom?
8. Why 2nd and 3rd values of Ionization energy is higher than 1st Ionization Energy.
9. Why Nobel Gases have highest values of Ionization Energy.
10. Write the trends of ionization energy in periods & groups pf periodic table.
11. Why 2nd value of electron affinity is positive?
12. Why Metallic character increases down the group.
13. Why Nitrogen, Phosphorous, are non metals and Arsenic ,Antimony are metals.
14. The M.P & B.P of the elements increases from left to right up to the middle and decrease onwards why?
15. Oxidation state of Nobel Gases is zero. why?
16. Diamond is non conductor of electricity while Graphite is fairly conductor. why?
17. Define hydration energy. Why different ions with same charge have different hydration energy.
18. Hydration energy of the ions are in following order. Al+3>Mg+2>Na+.Justify.
19. What are Polymeric halides?
20. Why PbCl2 is Ionic and PbCl4is covalent in nature?
21. What are amphoteric oxides?
22. BeO is amphoteric oxide. Justify.
23. write similarities or dissimilarities of Hydrogen with different groups.
24. what are acidic or basic oxides?
25. What is the Law of octaves?
                                                                 Long Questions
  1. Write a  note on modern periodic table.
  2. Position of Hydrogen
  3. Halides, Oxides, Hydrides.

Chapter # 2                               S-Block Elements                   F.Sc  2nd Year Chemistry
Short Questions:
1.what are alkali and alkaline earth metals?
2. write the formula of dolomite and carnalite.
3. write th reaction of alkali metals with oxygen.
4. write reaction how Mg, Ca react with N2 to give nitrides which on hydrolysis give ammonia.
5. what is milk of magnesia and lime water.
6. give the reactions of BeO with acid and Base.
7. why aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is alkaline?
8. why lime water turns milky with CO2 but becomes clear with excess.
9. Name soluble sulphate of alkaline earth metal.
10. write the advantages of down’s cell.
11. Draw the labeled diagram of Nelson cell.
12. write the problems facing in diaphragm cell. Also write their solution.
13. what is the role of Gypsum in Agriculture?
14. what do you ment by dead burnt.
15. what is cement plaster and hard finish plaster?
16. what is the role of Gypsum in cement industry?
17. what is the role of lime in Agriculture?
18. write the functions of Ca in Plants growth.
19.  write the uses of lime in industries.
20. what is lime mortar? How It can be prepared.
                                                                  Long Questions:

  1. Commercial preparation of sodium Hydroxide By Diaphram.
  2. Commercial preparation of Sodium by Down’s Cell.
  3. General trends in chemical properties of Alkali and Alkaline Earth metal.
  4. Peculiar Behaviour of Lithium.


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