chapter 15+16 2nd year chemistry

Chapter # 15                      Common chemical Industries in Pakistan           F.Sc  2nd Year Chemistry
Short Questions:
1.     What are fertilizers and why are they needed?
2.     What are macro nutrients and micro nutrients.
3.     What is manure?
4.     What are the requirements for a fertilizer.
5.     Write down qualities for good fertilizers.
6.     What are nitrogenous fertilizers. Write their names and uses.
7.     Write the reactions for preparation of urea.
8.     Draw the flow sheet diagram of Urea?
9.     Why ammonium Nitrate cannot used for Paddy rice?
10.                        What are phosphatic fertilizers?
11.                        What are Potassium fertilizers?
12.                        Define Cement. Why we use the word Portland cement.
13.                        Write down three raw material used for the manufacturing of Cement.
14.                        Write the steps for manufacturing of cement by Wet Process.
15.                        What is Clinker. Also write its use.
16.                        What is ment by setting of cement? Also give the reactions in setting of cement in first 24hours.
17.                        What reactions takes place in the setting of cement in 1 to 7 days.
  1. Define paper.Also name two woody and two non woody raw material used for production of paper.
  2. Write the process of Digestion and Bleaching used for preparation of Paper pulp in paper industries.
  3. Write down the name of the components of paper making machine.

Chapter # 16                       Enviromental Chemistry              F.Sc  2nd Year Chemistry
  Short Questions:
1.     Define Environmental Chemistry?
2.     Write the names of Components of Environments.
3.     What are Atmosphere and Hydrosphere?
4.     Explain Lithosphere and Bio sphere.
5.     What is Environmental Pollution?
6.     What are Primary and Secondary pollutant.
7.     What are th effects of CO, NOx, SOx on the human health.
8.     What is acid deposition. How does it effect the building materials. Or what is acid rain?
9.     What is Smog. Differentiate between Oxidizing Smog and reducing smog.
10.                        What conditions are required for the formation of smog.
11.                        What is the purpose of Ozone and what is ozone hole?
12.                        How chlorofluorocarbons destroying the ozone. Write its reactions.
13.                        How oil spoilage Pollute the Water.
14.                        What is biological effect of water pollution due to pesticides.
15.                        What are detergents? give its types.
16.                        How leather tanneries pollute water.
17.                        What is dissolved Oxygen (D.O)
18.                        Define Biological Oxygen Demand (B.O.D) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (C.O.D)
19.                        What do you mean by aeration of raw water.
20.                        How water is made potable by coagulation.
21.                        What are harmful effects of Chlorination of Water.
22.                        What is leachate?
23.                        What is incineration give its two advantages and two disadvantages.
24.                        How the recycling of wastes can be done.


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